School Nurse: Jessica Leon, RN, BSN, CSN
Phone Number: 908-464-4707 Ext. 3514
Fax Number: 908-464-4017
Email: jleon@npsdnj.org
District Float Nurse: Ms. Lauren Abbatemarco, RN
Available at AWR on Fridays
Email: labbatemarco@npsdnj.org
Welcome to the AWR Health Office
Please remember to continue following important health-related precautions:
Entering a student's absence will require the completion of the Attendance Matters Online Form. The form will include the following information:
- The date of the absence.
- Reason for the absence (Please be specific here; make sure to include all symptoms being experienced by the student at the present time if sick (for example, fever (100.0 or above is considered a fever), headache, stomach ache, diarrhea, cough, fatigue, etc.).
- Student's first and last name, homeroom, and grade level.
- Parents will also be required to include their name and email address.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the school nurse via email or to our attendance secretary, Mrs. Agresto, jagresto@npsdnj.org for assistance.