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Allen W. Roberts Elementary School

Covid-19 Pandemic

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) can affect children and young people directly and indirectly. Many young people’s social, emotional, and mental well-being can become impacted by the pandemic.

Some of the challenges children and young people face during the COVID-19 pandemic relate to:

  • Changes in their routines (e.g., having to physically distance from family, friends, community)
  • Breaks in continuity of learning (e.g., virtual learning environments, technology access and connectivity issues)
  • Breaks in continuity of health care (e.g., missed well-child and immunization visits, limited access to mental, speech, and occupational health services)
  • Missed significant life events (e.g., grief of missing celebrations, vacation plans, and/or milestone life events)
  • Lost security and safety (e.g., housing and food insecurity, increased exposure to violence and online harms, threat of physical illness and uncertainty for the future)

The pandemic and the hybrid learning model can impact your child's social, emotional and mental health. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email or phone for support. This global pandemic is uncharted territory for us all but if we support each other along the way, we can be STRONGER Together!